And I’m back at it after a few weeks of being overworked by other things. *Laughs in bitter and tired Millenial* Jokes aside, I did originally start my Substack because I wanted to call in more copywriting/freelance writing work. Bear with me.
It was a response to my desire to fully live off my pen, embodying a Carrie Bradshaw kind of life (like my best friend Marty would say), because I’m a single-pretty-New Yorker-woman in pursuit of her columnist dreams. I mean, not really in pursuit but like maintaining them … I’m a published author, whatever that means.
So, yes, awesome—only difference, is I’m not quite as delulu and unfortunately can’t afford to eat out every damn night and or buy three pairs of Manolo’s a week. Something’s gotta give gurl… *sweating in realistic NY living* Like, are you for real, miss Thang? Times have drastically changed apparently. From fictional to brutal. Oops!
Anywho, I first started this Substack because I wanted to exercise that magic trick called visualization and manifest my writer life on the daily. If I practiced publishing a weekly article, I know the Universe would eventually catch on my rhythm and provide a set of opportunities to go with it. And … drum roll … after a few weeks of writing on here, a major magazine came knocking, offering a weekly horoscope column! Heaven darling! Talk about a Stars and the City plot twist. I’m not gonna brag about whom I write for but you can get your weekly astro guidance right hurrrrrr.
OK, so this long intro was to tie in the fact that I have been (really) busy keeping up with the wish I made, right here between these lines. As I’m writing almost everyday, whether it’s in research mode or redaction, speaking (read: writing) to existence really does work.
Oh, and do you know who masters this? Yep, that daredevil Sagittarius, baby!
The cheat code
Basically…? Stay hopeful and thankful. Always. No matter what. That’s it. I mean, you can keep reading if you want but that is the essence, really. That is the trick that Sagittarius, out of all signs, knows intricately best. How to apply it every day. Sagittarius knows the glass is half full.
It knows how to call in more plenitude. To remain open and ready to go on a new adventure and journey. It knows, because it is a sign in deep search for Nirvana. And can’t give up on its way.
This sign is looking for answers to understand why we are here, and ultimately where we are going. Is it too far to wonder? Not for Sagittarius.
Is it above forbidden horizons?
Could be, but is it a reason not to go see?Absolutely not.
Paradise for the troublemakers
Sagittarius makes of these existential quests a celebration of optimism. In deep shit? “Good.” Struggling? “Just another day under the sun.” It is not about always being joyful. It is about remaining hopeful—big difference. How can we do that, though? Good question.
Sag would say … let’s practice doing what we love, even in small dose, every day. We can write about the thing we love, we can meditate on it, we can envision having it, until we do…
If we can call in something so dear to our hearts, just by imagining how the joy to have it would feel: we have cracked the code. It’s just about feeling, and believing in it. The “secret” like every New Age auntie would say.
Honest to Gods, it’s not a big overly cryptic riddle. It doesn’t need no workshops or costly material. Simply implement Sagittarius optimism as a daily ritual. Remind yourself that you will eventually find what you are looking for. Easier than solving a Rubik’s cube, I tell ya.
What about the “knowing”?
Ahhhh, to know or not to know … that is the question, truly. In its “equestriesque” splendor, the ninth sign of the zodiac does teach a lot. Another drum roll please … well, you won’t be surprised to know that that’s pretty much the archetype of the guru and of all great mentors.
Jesus was most likely Sag rising—since we’ve established already he was (probably) a Pisces sun. (Dates may have gotten whacked in the scriptures and time lines : it was winter, OK so all guesses are good?) Hope and optimism, with a side of hardcore compassion? Yep, it checks out. I rest my case.
Knowledge becomes one of the sign’s tools, as it bursts on the run, like rapid (focused) fire. Sag made sure they had a book or a podcast on for the road, always nurturing their intellect. But how do we know when we know? How can we tell when we finally found our purpose and we can jolt to meet it somewhere between “dream no. 45” and sixty other duties and chores? It’s mind-boggling a little, no? When do we know when to stop looking for what we want?
About that. I reflect on purpose almost every day, and especially lately because *chocker* Sagittarius sun travels my house of deep beliefs and life purpose. Home of all spiritual endeavors and religion—hence why I said what I said about JC’s chart.
My thing is: I don’t think purpose is a finality. I truly don’t think it is a destination that me or you or our fiery horses can reach. Which is why it constantly moves and fluctuates with moods, life events and experiences.
Lately, I have felt my purpose change, or at least not manifest in the same familiar ways. I feel that purpose is a vaporous ball of smiley energy showing you where to head to. A bit like a target helping you to aim better. Feels very Sagittarius, or is it just me?
All that to say—When I feel lost, I go back to what makes me smile. I go back to purpose. To what I’m here for. Even if it gets foggy at times, I understand I can never truly grasp it until I feel hopeful and grateful. That is Sagittarius medicine, and one I love to cheer to, lately. I mean, if I’m able to create a possibility in the world where I’m an astrologer writing for a weekly magazine, I know you can dream bigger and wider.
If all fails, sometimes it’s just about running wild and free towards the unknown, like a Mustang would…